March 15, 2007

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

March is a very special month. It was one year ago that the Iranians for Democracy website was kicked off. We rekindled our voices one more time after 20 years of silence. With that I want to say to all my Iranian brothers and sisters and there children, Happy Norooz or Happy New Year. With that said, I want all of us to reflect back in time, when New Years was a very special day; when we got up to say Happy New Years and when we put on our new clothes and went to our families houses to celebrate New Years with them. We danced, we sang songs, we ate and we were very happy because we had the freedom to do those things as children and adults. And let us not forget Sizdeh Behar, the 13th day of our final celebration of New Years. Does this bring back good times and memories? It should because it was a great time, the time of innocence, freedom, and happiness. But like all good things, life changed in Iran and all over the world for all Iranians. We the people must not forget our families in Iran where they cannot celebrate Norooz in the open. They cannot listen to music in the open and they are always being bothered by the so called government agents and their ways of life. We the people must not forget how all of this has happened to us. We were promised freedom but we were delivered the kingdom of Mullahs, which was forced upon us. As long as I remember we had always had kings. When the Iranian revolution came to life, we thought we were getting the country freed from the clutches of the monarchs and kings, but only to turn it over to the kingdom of Mullahs. Let us ask ourselves the question why did we allow a change from one kingdom to another kingdom? Well I will tell you. We were lied to. Have we forgotten the people allowed the kingdom of Mullahs to come to power in Iran? It was we the people with our power of the vote, one-person one-vote, that’s how. It was our fathers thinking that they were going to get rich by voting for the kingdom of Mullahs. They did not see the future, all they saw was greed and by the time they figured out it was too late for them because many of them give their lives in the Iran/Iraq War that followed. But with that I want to say, it is never too late for anything in life. With over 75% of our country being young, strong and ready to change the government, the past with the vision of what happened in the past, and the vision of the new future, it is time to put the power of our vote in motion and have a spiritual awakening one more time. We must take back our beloved country Iran, our birthplace, the birthplace of our mothers, fathers and ancestors. One more time: It is time to become a chain one more time. Remember we only live once. We must change the scope of our lives together, one more time. It was our power, the power of the vote that brought the kingdom of Mullahs to power and with the same power we will separate the kingdom of mullahs and the government once and for all, and we the people will get our freedom that has eluded us for many centuries. We have a voice, a man called Ali. We have the power of the people and the vote. The vote of the people, the freedom of the people, and choice of the people. Remember we the people write songs and poems and dream of the new way of life. This is our time to take stand, one more time and have the greatest spiritual awakening the world has ever seen. Ask yourself this question, once I was a proud man, a protector of my country, my wife, and my children. What happened to me and where did my courage go? Have we forgotten the way we were when you could tell a man from Iran or Middle East by the way they walked, talked, word of honor and the mustaches on their faces. What has happened to those men, I want to know? Because I, Ali, am still walking, talking and have an honorable voice and a signature mustache on my face. Where are all the men like me? And are they ready to join the cause with Ali? And are they ready for a spiritual awakening with Ali? If you care, these are some things we can do starting tonight. Hug your child, wife, husband, and your family, and say I care. Let us send this message all over the World; write to all the TV, Radio, and Government Representatives all over the World. Tell them you have heard of a man called Ali. He does not want to be a hero but a messenger with a message of Peace, Hope, and Spiritual awakenings. Let us help Ali. Write and send me your e-mails. I need volunteers, I need help, I need your thoughts, your ideas, and I need your Prayers, but most of all I need you to make a difference. Thank you very much and Happy Norooz.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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February 9, 2007

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

Does Anyone Care?

Does anyone care? Hello, Hello my name is Ali and I want to know.

Does anyone care that people are dying in Iran and the Middle East every day?

Does anyone care that on February 5, 2007 that 145 people were blown up in Iraq while shopping for dinner?

Does anyone care that this is not about religion or Islam?

Does anyone care that these people with the resources or money are buying lives with tea, sugar, and rice and turning young people into suicide bombers?

Does any world leader in the World care?

Do the Democrats care or is this just a job for them?

Do the Republicans care or is this just a job for them?

Does the Independents care or is this just a job for them?

Does the World care that Mr. Rumsfeld made a mess of the war in Iraq?

Does former VP Al Gore care? I want to know where is your voice my brother?

Does the First lady Laura Bush care and where is her voice?

Does Microsoft Founder Bill Gates care and were is his voice?

Does anyone care that the Iranian Government is testing missiles and will get nuclear weapons? I want to know.

Do any Islamic scholars, thinkers, and ordinary people in the Muslim world care? I want to know.

Does Mr. George Clooney really care about Darfur and what is happening in the Middle East or was that just another Hollywood act? I want to know.

Does anyone care that the terrorists have resources and bombs and murderers working for them?

Do you care?

Do the people of the World care?

Do the entertainers that sang “We are the World” care? Where are your voices now? Ali wants to know.

Does anyone care that we must do a World Aid Event to help the Middle East?

Do we see what has happened and what is happening every day in the Middle East?

Do we not hear the cries of the people?

Do we not hear the cries of the Mothers?

Do we not hear the cries of the Fathers?

Do we not hear the cries of the Children?

Do we not hear the screams of our Soldiers?

Do we not see or just not want to know?

Do we not care and just close our eyes?

Do we not want to help or we don’t care?

Do we not want to stop the killing or we don’t care?

Do we care or we just don’t want to see?

Do we not have a conscious left or we just don’t care?

Do we not hear the knocks at the door that we have lost one more person?

Do we not have time or just not want to make the time?

Do we not want to save lives or we just don’t care?

Do we not want to save the World or we just want to watch the terror?

Do we not remember WW1 and WW2 and how they started?

If you have guts and you care, these are some things we can do starting tonight. Hug your child, wife, husband, and your family and say I care. Let us send this message all over the World; write to all the TV, Radio, and Government Representatives all over the World. Tell them you have heard of a man called Ali. He does not want to be a hero but a messenger with a message of Peace, Hope, and Spiritual awakenings. Let us help Ali. Write and send me your e-mails. I need volunteers, I need help, I need your thoughts, your Ideas, and I need your Prayers, but most of all I need you to make a difference. Thank you very much and God Bless.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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January 25, 2007

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

Today I want to say that sanctions against the Iranian people are not the answer. The people must not suffer for the words of the minority in the Iranian Government. We must stay the course in Iraq. The Iraqi people need to know that there is a strong voice for freedom and hope with the vision of the future. That voice is Ali. With the new flag of democracy in hand, the people can move mountains together.

With that I want to talk about spiritual awaking and what has happened to some of the voices after 9/11. I want to know what happened to all the actors, entertainers, and musicians. People like of Julia Roberts, a famous Hollywood actress; she had her spiritual awaking and donated over 2 million dollars to the families who suffered on that day. What happened to the great country singer Mr. Alan Jackson? Where are you now?

Ali and the World need more voices to carry the message of PEACE. What has happened to the great rock band the Eagles? The Eagles are one of my wives favorite groups of all time. All the Eagles did was a song called “Don’t let there be a hole in the World Tonight”. Well, that was your first spiritual awaking as a group. Now you should join Ali for Peace in the Middle East.

Have we forgotten about one of the most famous Beatles of all time John Lennon. When he had his spiritual awaking it was when he did the song “Imagine There’s No Heaven.” I challenge his great wife Yoko Ono to join the cause and get her spiritual awaking one more time and keep John’s dreams alive. Let us not forget my Aunt Simin when she got her spiritual awaking it was 20 years ago. When I asked her to join Ali for the cause to free our people, she said to me, she will do her best with her poems and her words of Freedom in Iran. Now she is blind and she is still fighting to free her people in Iran. And let us not forget about the Great Ebdy one of the most powerful entertainers of Iran that lives in L.A. where he made a song “In the Words” that came from his spiritual awaking. It said how every one that loved him left him alone. I want to say to all the Iranian entertainers you must join the cause with Ali and do not forget how you felt that day when the mullahs killed the music in Iran and the Muslim World. It is time to change the culture in get our heritage back. So let us join in and let the music come alive not only in Iran but all over the Middle East.

Another very important person in history was my Uncle Golga’s friend President John F. Kennedy. The day of the Cuban missile crisis was his first spiritual awaking. He also said these famous words to the people of his country “Don’t ask what your Country can do for you; ask what you can do for your Country.”

To Mr. Lester Holt weekend Today Show on NBC how could your heart go out to my people in Iraq and Middle East when you do not listen to Ali and have not asked how you can help the cause. Have you forgotten Dr. King and his dreams? Ali has not. Ali wants the people of the world to come together for the Greatest Spiritual awaking of all time; Peace in the Middle East.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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January 7, 2007

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

This week the World finally saw Democracy at work. By that, I mean we finally heard the news around the world that one of the famous killers in Iraq, the man who was known as Saddam Hussein, nicknamed “The Butcher of Baghdad” because he and his followers were killing innocent people for many years, was hanged to death. To the Iraqi people, Saddam Hussein was not a martyr but a tyrant and a butcher of Sunnis and Shiites. We should not even shed one tear for a man that has gone to hell where he belongs. I also want to say to the Prime Minister Mr. al-Maliki of Iraq it was a shame to see the hanging of “The Butcher of Baghdad” turned into a circus by the followers of the new “Butcher of Iraq,” Shiite cleric and militia leader Muqtada al-Sadr. You as the Prime Minister must uphold the Iraqi laws and constitution and know that you are the power that has been chosen by the Iraqi people. First thing you must do for the Iraqi people is to arrest Muqtada al-Sadr and his followers and bring them to justice so the people can see that neither a fundamentalist mullah backed by the Iranian Government nor the Al-Qaeda terrorist backed by Osama “Old Butcher” bin Laden have no place in your country. My brother you must step out of those shadows and let it be known that you stood up for peace in your country. Ali is coming. The people of the World are coming to help tell President Bush it is time to stand up and join the cause with Ali. We are spending over 1 billion dollars a month and your plan needs the helping hand of your brother Ali, the voice of Democracy for the people. Although our Democracy may not resemble the western democracy, the first thing we will do in the our world is separate the Church and the Government.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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December 30, 2006

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

The last few weeks I have seen many reports on how to fix the Iraqi and Middle Eastern problems by Mr. Baker and Mr. Hamilton. Well, I want to say this to Mr. Baker: “Dealing with the Iranian Government is not the answer this time around.” Although I, Ali, have not forgotten what you did for Iran during the Iran / Iraq war by giving arms to my people, I want to say to Mr. President Bush, “What do Mr. Baker and Mr. Hamilton know about the Middle East and the culture?” The answer is nothing. All Mr. Baker and Mr. Hamilton did was to write a book report and collect a lot of money for doing it. Well, this is for you Mr. President Bush; it is time for you to join Ali and the cause of freedom and justice for all of us, no matter what country we are from. It is time to talk about how you received your first spiritual awakening. It was on the morning of September 11th, when you were sitting in a classroom in Texas. You were shocked beyond belief and were touched by your higher power who guided you through those hard times. Throughout history, many people have had the same type of spiritual awakening. For example, when Gandhi stood up that day for freedom in India and told his people and his followers that no army in the world could stop us from our freedom. Have we forgotten other men in history? When Nelson Mandela had his spiritual awakening in South Africa and gave over 20 years of his life to see his vision of freedom and equal rights for his people. We must not forget Dr. Martin Luther King. He had his spiritual awakening when he made his famous speech “I Have a Dream” in Washington, D.C. Let us not forget the spiritual awakening of Mohammed Anwar Al Sadat of Egypt. He made peace with his neighbors in Israel and was assassinated for his belief of peace. Let us not forget when King Hussein of Jordan made peace with Israel. That is the time when he had his spiritual awakening and now his son King Abdullah II bin al-Hussein of Jordan is following the footsteps of his father and ancestors. We must protect our Muslim Kingdoms and see them for what they represent. Next, the example of Saudi Arabia and how they are the protectors of Mecca and of some of the Muslim Holy Sites and Cities. They are also the protectors of the way of life in Middle East. There have been many Kings in Saudi Arabia and now we have King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud following the footsteps of his family. And let us not forget one of the most important men in the history of the United States, my friend, Mr. President Ronald Reagan. The day he had his spiritual awakening was the day when the American hostages were freed from captivity in Iran and he said these famous words while in Germany. “The United States of America will never negotiate with terrorists.” I have had a few spiritual awakenings throughout my lifetime, with the first one being the day I began trying to help my people. It was the day during the Iran / Iraq war when the television was showing the battlefront and all I could see were miles and miles of my fellow Iranians lying there dead and no one cared. With that, I say it is time to join the cause and for all of us in the world to have a good New Year and be open to a spiritual awakening so that we can save mankind and have the Golden age of Peace and Prosperity for all of us in the World.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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December 17, 2006

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

This is another example of voices from the past with a message to the future. The voice of the past is from my brother, Profit Mohammad. He would say, “Stop the killing of my children, brothers, and sisters in the Middle East and let us all give a helping hand to my brother Ali. Let us all have a spiritual awaking today.” This week, I was speaking to my cousin Bea and I always listen to all the people that help me with the cause. I noticed that my cousin and my wife both said the same thing to me at different times. They said “We the people of the world, no matter what religion, faith, color, and shape, we all must get together and have a spiritual awaking. With the Christmas holidays upon us, I want to say to the people in the military and their families around the world, “I feel for what you are going through and I want you to share a moment of silence with me and all the families in Iran and the Middle East. Let us all get together at 12 noon on Christmas Day and say a prayer to our higher power and our God in Heaven, to let us all one day soon, live in peace and harmony so we will never be judged by our faith or what we believe in.” So I say to my brothers and sisters and their families, “Let us have a great holiday and remember all the people and spirit of those who are no longer with us, for all they have given so much, so we can have what we have today, and they have shown us what the world can be tomorrow. God Bless Everyone and Happy Holidays to all.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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November 30, 2006

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

Today’s message is very simple: To the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, because you like to write letters to President Bush and the American people, I Ali the founder of Iranians For Democracy, the party of choice, wanted to tell you that your time is coming. We the people do not want your party, the Hezbollah or the party of Mullahs to rule our country so this message is for you. We are coming from all over the world to take back our county and our freedom because we have a choice, we are young, strong, and we are proud of our heritage. See You Soon Ali.

To the Iraqi President Mr. Al-Maliki: As elected President of Iraq you are absolutely right you have a constitution and laws that have been approved by the parliament and the people. That is why you are the elected representative of the people. This is some advice from your brother Ali. As the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of Iraq, your first duty is to save the lives of your countrymen with the power of the constitution. You must also send a strong message to the Shiite cleric and militia leader Moqtada al-Sadr that you will not tolerate him or his followers interfering with the democracy and constitution in Iraq. If they choose to interfere, you will allow the law to take all of them into custody and in time they will be prosecuted by the Iraqi democratic constitution that has been approved by the people and the parliament. See You Soon, your brother Ali.

To Mr. President Bush: The Leader of the Free World. This is another message from Ali, the voice of Democracy in Iran and Middle East. This message is coming to you from the voices of the past, to the voices of the future. This is from my friend Mr. President Ronald Regan: When he stood at the Berlin Wall and made his famous remarks to another great President Mr. Mikel Gorbachev. His words where “Mr. Gorbachev, tear this wall down.” That is how the Democracy in Russia and the reunion of East and West Berlin came alive. This is for you Mr. President Bush: the road to Democracy and Peace to Middle East will go through Iranians for Democracy, the party of choice. I say to you Mr. President Bush, it is time for you to join the cause. See You Soon, your brother, Ali.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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November 16, 2006

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

This is the time to know why we are the movement of choice for democracy, the Iranians for Democracy. We are all Persions because of our heritage, place of our birth, and place of our ancestors. This is why we are all Persions. Just like any other child that is born in this world, they become Persions, Jews, Christians, or any other religion they inherit from their parents. It is time to realize that there are bad people in any country or any religion. Many Muslim fanatics have their own interpretation of Islam and the Koran. They believe to kill and cause mayhem throughout the world is what their religion is teaching, but that is not a true Muslim. Because I Ali learned a long time ago from my grandfather, Adel Sultan, a voice from the past, and a voice to the future, he was a true Persion because he had a choice and he used it wisely. He did his prayers, he wrote his newspapers, he wrote his poems, he listened to music, he helped his countrymen, and he was a man ahead of his time because he knew that the religion and the government must be kept separate. He always said, “People need to have a choice. They must work, listen to music, and have faith BUT NOT BY FORCE.” As I have watched the events of the last 20 years in Iran and the Middle East, I have this to say. Enough is enough. We the people made a bad mistake. We the people did not know what kind of person Ayatollah Khomeini was, or what he was going to do when he came to power. He was not a leader. He was an Ayatollah with no experience in running a country. All he wanted was to come to power to take revenge on the people who put him in exile. With the Iranian Revolution, and the Ayatollah Khomeini coming to power, then came war, poverty, and now terrorism. The Ayatollah Khomeini broke his promise of freedom and democracy. When Ayatollah Khomeini died, he elected his own predecessor and the only reason for his choosing the Ayatollah Khamenei, was because Khamenei’s name was like his, and Khomeini did not want his name to die with him. I say to that, we the people did not chose Khamenei. That is not what we would have chosen. How could Ayatollah Khamenei, be chosen as a spiritual leader and commander in chief? How could he know anything about life, country, and heritage of Iran? Ayatollahs just preach, they don’t know how to run a country. They only know how to run a Mosque. I also want the people Iraq to know, do not give up your freedom, democracy is yours. You have a new constitution, you will have peace once the so-called Mullahs, and Hezbollah stop killing their own people. To the bad Mullahs, you are all killers and you will be dealt with in a court of law, just like Saddam Hussein. To the Iraqi children, do not follow these butchers, the devil worshipers. Do not let them turn you into killers of your brothers and sisters; they are only killing to stay in power. Learn from what happened in Iran before you or your countrymen get blood on your hands, take a good look at your countrymen. “Wow” they look like you, because they are. So ask yourselves why am I killing my brother and sister, my heritage? Why am I turning myself into a killer? Why are the so-called men of God, the Mullahs, turning me and my brothers into killers? Ask yourself. That is why Iranians for Democracy is the movement of choice for the Iranian people and all the people in the Middle East and around the world.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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P.S. To the democrats and the republicans, we the people in the USA chose you. We do not want to see fighting; we want to see peace and progress.

October 11, 2006

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

This is the time for the world to come together as one to save lives. To all my brothers and sister in Iraq, Ali is coming with help, do not give up. Help is coming, peace is coming, Ali is coming. To President Bush and all the peace loving Muslim countries, it is time to let Ali do the job he was saved for to save us all.



This week’s message is from the voice of the past a man the of peace, my grandfather Adel Sultan. I hope this message will help us all. Lets learn from another voice of the past a true democrat — Philosopher Adel Sultan (pictured left).

I wish to be natural, honest, simple, frank, clean in mind and clean in body, unaffected — ready to say I do not know, if so it be — to meet all men on an absolute equality, to face obstacles and meet every difficulty unafraid and unashamed. I wish to live with out HATE, WHIM, ENVY, OR FEAR. I WISH FOR OTHERS TO LIVE THEIR LIVES TOO-UP TO THEIR HIGHEST, FULLEST AND BEST. TO THAT END I PRAY THAT I MAY NEVER MEDDLE, DICTATE, INTERFERE, give advice that is not wanted, or assist when my services are not needed . If I can help others, I will do so by giving them a chance to help themselves, and if I can up lift or inspire, let it be by EXAMPLE, INFERENCE, AND SUGGESTION, RATHER THEN BY INJUNCTION OR DICTATION. I wish to sing the song of UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD. I wish to see the doors of PRISONS OPEN, and see all PEOPLE FREE AND HAPPY. I wish to see PEACE ON EARTH. I WISH TO RADIATE LIFE.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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September 11, 2006

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

Today’s message is another example of voices of the past speaking to the future. First of all, to all of my brothers and sisters, and their families, in America: With the 5-year anniversary of one of the worst events in world history, that we call 9-11, I give you my condolences and say to you, it is time to join the cause with Ali. There comes a time to make a difference in the world so we will never see another 9-11, and that time is now. The time to make peace, to put out the fires of fundamentalism in the Iranian world, to make the world a better place for all mankind, the time is here for world peace. Like many leaders before me, that have given their efforts for this cause, it is time for Ali’s men and women of peace to come together as one and open up the world to democracy that will last for eternity. Here is an example of the voice from the past: Nostradamus had predicted these events in our lifetime. He also predicted Ali, the man from the Middle East, and we have an opportunity to make a change in the world; a time to stop the killing of innocent people in the world. It is time to stop the bloodshed in the Middle East and the world, it is time for the People of Iran the Middle East and Jewish world to come together in peace and ask why, why are we killing our children, why are we destroying our future and killing our heritage. Like many that have come and left their marks, if Prophets were alive today, they would tell the world to join Ali and the cause. He has a plan. Invite him to dinner and he will come because our brother Ali is like us. He does not care what religion you are, what color or shape you are, he wants peace and happiness, and he will respect the people of the world for their beliefs. It is time to put out the fires of terrorism and their followers. It is time to fight terror today. If we the people don’t join the cause with Ali to stop this today, then what will we tell our children tomorrow. Just like the lost children of the Iranian Revolution that always ask their parents, “Why did you do this to us?” That is why we the people will help to save the future. I promise you there will be peace in the world. To the former Iranian President, Mohammad Khatami, in order for a dialog for democracy to begin working, it must start with Iran. The people must have choice to choose a way of life that works best for them; not by force, not by terror, not by guns, and not by torture. I Ali, challenge you to join the cause.

May God Bless the victims and their families of all those who lost their lives on 9-11.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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August 27, 2006

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

This is the time to see the world as one. It is time to get the message from the past to the future. The message from the past comes from my grandfather, Adel Sultan, and my mentor and friend, the greatest President in American History, Ronald Reagan. He would tell the voters today, in the USA, you must let the congress and the White House finish the next two years. The message would be we do not negotiate with terrorists. It is time to stop bashing Senator Joe Lieberman, the Republicans, and the Democrats. Joe Lieberman has done what all the Senate and the House of Representatives have done; support the country in the war against terrorism. Joe Lieberman deserves to be re-elected along with all his colleagues. It is time to remember, it was because of a Democratic President that we are in this mess. It was President Jimmy Carter, who by allowing the Iranian Revolution to come to power, that has led to this. Let us not forget that during his presidency, Americans were taken hostage in Iran. President Carter is a good and honest man and I have a lot of respect for him but he was the wrong man to be chosen for the job of President of the United States. So I say to the voters, let us not make the same mistakes. All the political ads on television and radio are from a bunch of new free loaders who want to come to power by way of war bashing. However, we must not elect these new people, at this time. They will only stop what we have started. We have two more years with President Bush to join the cause with Ali, the voice of democracy, and the goodwill ambassador to the world. We will have peace and democracy. I will promise this to you. Help me and we will all see a brighter future. If you replace the House and Senate, we will all be destroyed because terrorism does not understand weakness. We will pay if we change our path now.

To ABC News, 60 Minutes Anchor, Mike Wallace, you interviewed the wrong man. The Iranian President, the butcher, Mohmoud Ahmadinejad, all he did was give you the run around and smiled at you. You need to interview Ali, the true voice of democracy and someone that can give you straight answers to all your questions; someone that soon will be speaking for all the Iranians and peace loving Muslim Nations throughout the world. So I say to you, Iranians , the People of the Middel East and Jews People will live together side by side, in peace and you will know and see what a true leader is all about. Mr. Wallace, call me if you want a true story. To all my brothers and sisters throughout the world, we will see lasting peace come to us in the next few years. Democracy has started but we must finish the job just as my friend President Ronald Reagan helped Ali over 20 years ago. It is time for the world to come together and join the cause so we can all live as one.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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P.S. To my friend President Ronald Reagan and my Grandfather Adel Sultan, may God rest your souls and may we all learn from your wisdom and courage.

August 6, 2006

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

This week’s message is to all the mothers in the world. Another day, another week, another month; what is happening to mankind? What has happened to the world leaders? All I can say is that it is time for the true women of the world to step forward and save the lives of their children, husbands, and families. The true women are the tigers of the world’s peace, the ones that have asked for a miracle in life. Well this is to you, all the mothers of the world: from Iranians to Jews, to the Catholics, and all the religions in the world. To all the true tigers, it is time to take charge of the life that you want for yourself and your children. After all, you have the right to the survival of mankind. Without the mothers, there are no men. Without the wife, there are no families in the world. It is time for all the women of the world to say to all the men in the world: We will not let you kill our children, our way of life, or us. We do not want war and we do not hate the people of the world because of their religious beliefs or their cultures. It is time to tell the bad Ayatollahs of the world: We the mothers of the world do not want our children to kill and be killed. There is nothing worse than opening up the paper and turning on the TV and seeing the faces of the mothers and the children clutching to one another. A loss of child is the worst thing that could happen to a mother, enough is enough. It is time for the mothers of the world to know. It is time to join the cause. It is time for all the Muslim mothers and Jewish mothers to come together as one, join forces, and stop the killing of one another. It is time to step forward and learn from the women of the past and the future, it is time for all the mothers to say stop. It is time for all the mothers to say to all the men in their lives, that we do not want war; we want peace, because we are the guardians of humankind, the peacemakers. We will have a voice, a voice that will be heard throughout the world and directly to the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. We do not want you to represent us and say to the world that the Jewish state must be wiped off the face of the earth. Be aware and listen to the voices of the mothers of the world because we are all going to be one voice soon. We want peace, harmony, and love. No more war, no more hatred, no more killing innocent people in the name of God, because we are the guardians of humankind.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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July 24, 2006

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

In this week’s events, in the heart of the Middle East, where war is not the answer, my wife and I have a very good friend, who just got back from Israel. She was visiting her sister who is dying from cancer. Now, with the spread of war, her family has been separated. The young woman who is dying is not able to be with her children because they had to be evacuated due to the bombings. There is no chance for our friend nor her family to go back and visit their sister on these last days of her life. With the war in the Middle East, these events have touched us all over the world. Here I am the voice of democracy, volunteering my services to be the goodwill ambassador and a peacemaker to the Middle East and the world, so none of us will ever have to go through this again. To the so-called religious leader of Hezbollah, Ayatollah Hasan Nasrallah, what are you doing or saying? What is on your mind? Why do you want to kill and be killed? Why do you think you must destroy Israel, and why do you want to kill innocent people? You must take the first steps toward peace and release the two Israeli soldiers. To the leaders of Hamas: You are the elected government of the democracy movement of the people of Palestine. The first thing you must do is give back the innocent Israel solider and then you must start fixing, rebuilding and creating jobs and a new way of life for the Muslim people of Palestine. These people gave you their vote in hopes of peace and happiness. We must take the first steps, make peace with Israel, and recognize their country. Save the lives of your people and theirs. To the Iranian people: Do not let this conflict between Israel and Hezbollah bring us to another war that we do not want or need. That is the only way that the government of the Mullahs and terrorists in power in Iran can stay in power. We cannot let this happen and we the people must stop this. When Ayatollah Khomeini died, his legacy has been nothing but shame, pain, and suffering for all of us in Iran. He created Hezbollah and it is one more of his terrorists’ legacies. The Mullahs want to manipulate us to give our lives so they can stay in power and kill more people all over the world. If you remember the government of Ayatollah Khomeini lives off the blood of innocent people of the world. He was an old butcher who wanted revenge on the world and his followers are killers. They are the descendents of the devils, not the descendents of the prophets and the Gods, because prophets give their lives for peace and carry the message of God and not the message of the devil. We must let democracy rule if the world is going to be a safe place and we must step out of the shadows of fundamentalism in Iran and the Middel East and the world. Question for the peaceful leaders of democracy the  world: What are you waiting for? You must join Ali, the voice of democracy and the good will ambassador for peace around the world. I want to help you. To President Bush, the friend of the world  what are you waiting for? I am ready, are you ready to save lives and make peace. After all, I have been saying for months, it is time for all the leaders of the world to join the cause.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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July 16, 2006

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

This week, we in the world have been seeing more innocent people being killed and executed with bombs and guns, in the name of al-Qaeda and Jihad, the Holy War. We saw this on websites and TV stations all over the world. I do not know what to say about this. This is not the way life should be. This is not how we do things in the world. To the Iraqi people, democracy has arrived. We the people have a voice of how we want to deal with the killers in our country and how we want the world to see us. We must not be afraid of these killers, after all “they are who they are”, and they will face justice one day soon in the court of law. To the Iranians in the  World to the people of Middle East what does Jihad stand for? Well it does not stand for what Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda say it stands for. It does not mean Holy War or Jihad, which means if you kill someone or blow up something then you will go to heaven. That is the terrorist way of Jihad. Ali’s version and the Holy Prophets version says: We all must open our minds and our hearts in the are world. We must tell the Shiite’s and the Sunni’s to stop killing each other and look in the mirror and see what we see through the eyes of Allah, our God. We are all his children and we all look the same. We all have a mother, we all have a father, and we are all his children. We must do the right things and Jihad the way of Allah. We must help ourselves, our neighbors, and we must not harm one another. We must not kill one another. We must fix and rebuild our countries and homelands. We must clean our souls, our minds, and live the way of life. We must teach our children the true meaning of giving and receiving, with our hearts and our minds, through the eyes of Allah. We must think of Jihad that way. We must say to Osama and al-Qaeda: Old lion we do not want your way of life. We want Ali’s way of democracy, freedom, and prosperity, for mankind, all over the world.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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June 11, 2006

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

In the last few months, I have gotten many e-mails. One that got my attention was from Michael F. He said that I needed say more about the democracy movement and to tell the Iranians in  world that we must find a way to tell the elected leaders “When you are elected, you are the chosen government of the people, and you must make peace with your neighbors.” Well, you are right Michael. First to the government of the Palestinian’s, Hamas, you need to take the first step to make peace with Israel and stop teaching hatred of your neighbors. Then and only then we will have peace. Next, I have been told to ask for help from President Bush, a friend of the Middle East and Iranian in the  world. Well Mr. President, Michael F. is right. You must join the cause. You have to tell the Muslim world and show them by not negotiating with Iran and its government. My cousin Morteza, is visiting from Iran and he told me, “My cousin Ali, you must let the people know what kind of person the Iranian President, Mahmoud ahmadinejad is. He is a true killer. When the revolution first started, there were many executions of innocent people all over Iran. He was one of the people that walked around after each execution and gave the final fatal shot to the head of the innocent victims to make sure they were dead. That is his claim to fame. He does not represent the majority of the Iranians and the democracy movement.” Therefore, the question is this, “Why do President Bush and the free world want to negotiate with the devils son himself?” Why do you not want to join theIranians for Democracy Movement with Ali? I am the voice of democracy and we will do this with your help and support. Do not give in to threats of a terrorist government. The new revolution is coming and it does not matter where the followers of the terrorists hide. They will all be taken into custody and they will all answer for all their crimes against Iranian people and the world.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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