November 30, 2006

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

Today’s message is very simple: To the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, because you like to write letters to President Bush and the American people, I Ali the founder of Iranians For Democracy, the party of choice, wanted to tell you that your time is coming. We the people do not want your party, the Hezbollah or the party of Mullahs to rule our country so this message is for you. We are coming from all over the world to take back our county and our freedom because we have a choice, we are young, strong, and we are proud of our heritage. See You Soon Ali.

To the Iraqi President Mr. Al-Maliki: As elected President of Iraq you are absolutely right you have a constitution and laws that have been approved by the parliament and the people. That is why you are the elected representative of the people. This is some advice from your brother Ali. As the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of Iraq, your first duty is to save the lives of your countrymen with the power of the constitution. You must also send a strong message to the Shiite cleric and militia leader Moqtada al-Sadr that you will not tolerate him or his followers interfering with the democracy and constitution in Iraq. If they choose to interfere, you will allow the law to take all of them into custody and in time they will be prosecuted by the Iraqi democratic constitution that has been approved by the people and the parliament. See You Soon, your brother Ali.

To Mr. President Bush: The Leader of the Free World. This is another message from Ali, the voice of Democracy in Iran and Middle East. This message is coming to you from the voices of the past, to the voices of the future. This is from my friend Mr. President Ronald Regan: When he stood at the Berlin Wall and made his famous remarks to another great President Mr. Mikel Gorbachev. His words where “Mr. Gorbachev, tear this wall down.” That is how the Democracy in Russia and the reunion of East and West Berlin came alive. This is for you Mr. President Bush: the road to Democracy and Peace to Middle East will go through Iranians for Democracy, the party of choice. I say to you Mr. President Bush, it is time for you to join the cause. See You Soon, your brother, Ali.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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November 16, 2006

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

This is the time to know why we are the movement of choice for democracy, the Iranians for Democracy. We are all Persions because of our heritage, place of our birth, and place of our ancestors. This is why we are all Persions. Just like any other child that is born in this world, they become Persions, Jews, Christians, or any other religion they inherit from their parents. It is time to realize that there are bad people in any country or any religion. Many Muslim fanatics have their own interpretation of Islam and the Koran. They believe to kill and cause mayhem throughout the world is what their religion is teaching, but that is not a true Muslim. Because I Ali learned a long time ago from my grandfather, Adel Sultan, a voice from the past, and a voice to the future, he was a true Persion because he had a choice and he used it wisely. He did his prayers, he wrote his newspapers, he wrote his poems, he listened to music, he helped his countrymen, and he was a man ahead of his time because he knew that the religion and the government must be kept separate. He always said, “People need to have a choice. They must work, listen to music, and have faith BUT NOT BY FORCE.” As I have watched the events of the last 20 years in Iran and the Middle East, I have this to say. Enough is enough. We the people made a bad mistake. We the people did not know what kind of person Ayatollah Khomeini was, or what he was going to do when he came to power. He was not a leader. He was an Ayatollah with no experience in running a country. All he wanted was to come to power to take revenge on the people who put him in exile. With the Iranian Revolution, and the Ayatollah Khomeini coming to power, then came war, poverty, and now terrorism. The Ayatollah Khomeini broke his promise of freedom and democracy. When Ayatollah Khomeini died, he elected his own predecessor and the only reason for his choosing the Ayatollah Khamenei, was because Khamenei’s name was like his, and Khomeini did not want his name to die with him. I say to that, we the people did not chose Khamenei. That is not what we would have chosen. How could Ayatollah Khamenei, be chosen as a spiritual leader and commander in chief? How could he know anything about life, country, and heritage of Iran? Ayatollahs just preach, they don’t know how to run a country. They only know how to run a Mosque. I also want the people Iraq to know, do not give up your freedom, democracy is yours. You have a new constitution, you will have peace once the so-called Mullahs, and Hezbollah stop killing their own people. To the bad Mullahs, you are all killers and you will be dealt with in a court of law, just like Saddam Hussein. To the Iraqi children, do not follow these butchers, the devil worshipers. Do not let them turn you into killers of your brothers and sisters; they are only killing to stay in power. Learn from what happened in Iran before you or your countrymen get blood on your hands, take a good look at your countrymen. “Wow” they look like you, because they are. So ask yourselves why am I killing my brother and sister, my heritage? Why am I turning myself into a killer? Why are the so-called men of God, the Mullahs, turning me and my brothers into killers? Ask yourself. That is why Iranians for Democracy is the movement of choice for the Iranian people and all the people in the Middle East and around the world.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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P.S. To the democrats and the republicans, we the people in the USA chose you. We do not want to see fighting; we want to see peace and progress.