Goga Khalatbari: Letter to the Iranian Community

Dr. Goga Khalatbari

Dr. Goga Khalatbari

This letter is to inform all Iranians in the world the passing of a star in the Iranian Community, Dr. Goga Khalatbari, Philosopher, Poet, Humanitarian, Man of Peace, Man of God, and True Iranian to his last days on this earth. After 13 years of battling cancer, my Uncle Goga went to the heavens on Friday, October 3, 2008, at 1:30 a.m. because God wanted this poet angle back in the Heavens. Whenever we see the shiniest star, we need to stop and say a prayer for this great man.

Dr. Goga Khalatbari is survived by his children Bebe, Susie, and Jeffery Khalatbari. He is also survived by his daughter-in-law Natalie Khalatbari, and five grandchildren, Bruce, Kimya, Hunter, Yasmine, and Austin. He is also survived by his siblings, Brother Adelfar Khalatbari, and sisters, Simin Behbahani, Farishteh Khalatbari, Farkhondeh Khalatbari.

There are many things about this great man that all of us must know. He was a poet of all Iranians, the first man in Iran to rise up and fight for the democracy and freedom for all Iranian people. He fought the oppressive government to free the sale of oil in the open market for all Iranians. He was the first Iranian to rise up with his poems and over 600 books; he touched the lives of all of us. He was the first Iranian in the United States to have his own newspaper called the Iran Express in the 1980’s.

My Uncle Goga left his beloved Iran in the 1950’s because he knew that in order to publish his words, he needed to be in a free country so he could lead with his pen and his words and touch the lives of many Iranians. My Uncle Goga stood for all that is right in the Iranian world and never criticized or said bad things about anyone regardless of religion, country, or culture. In the 1960’s, he was one of the first Iranians in the United States to stand beside a great president, known as John F. Kennedy, and speak to him in front of thousands of people in Washington, D.C. about human rights and freedom in all the world. My Uncle was a man who always worked to free Iran with his poems, his words, and his smile. He loved his family and his people.

On his last days on this beautiful earth he said to me, “My nephew Ali, you must carry the torch of freedom and democracy through Iran. We must free our people; we must give equal rights to all the women in Iran and the Middle East. We must help the poor and feed the hungry. And you my nephew must continue the work of peace. Every generation has a face that stands for the good of the people such as Dr. Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, Gandhi and Dr. Mohammad Mosaddeq. These people always come and touch the world with their words and actions, and peaceful demeanor. This generation’s face was my Uncle Goga Khalatbari. We must never give up our rights to be free, or our pens to stop writing; our hearts to stop signing; or our minds to stop seeing all the beauty of the people. We the people must not ever let the memories of our philosophers, poets, writers, freedom lovers, and lovers of our country of Iran to be taken from us. Every person knows when their time is up on this beautiful earth. My Uncle, Dr. Goga, knew his last days were coming but he always had a smile on his face and he went out of his way to help the people. When he went out of this world he went out like a tiger. We are all born in this world for a purpose and we are all children of the heavenly lights. We come in and see the lights and we go out and follow the lights to the heavenly skies. We unite in the afterlife with our families and friends.

May God rest your soul in the heavens my Uncle and may all that you dreamed about on earth come true for all; and may God in the heavens keep you safe until we all meet again. For now, I will see you every night, in the skies, as a shining star that you have always been.

God bless you and love from all of us.


September 11, 2008

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

This month is one of the worst months in the history of man kind. By that I’m talking about one of the worst days in American history. It has been 7 years since 9/11 has happened and I would like to send again this year my condolences from Ali’s Men and Women for Peace to all the families that lost loved ones on that morning and to say that we the people of the Middle East want to send a strong message to the people of America that we are your friends and we share your sorrows and your hardship day after day because you have always been a friend to the people of the Middle East. We would like to say that every soul that was lost on that day, it is in the Heavens with eternal peace and it is Gods journey of life that we have, that we fallow every day of our lives how our journey comes to an end. Life is a gift from the Heavens and it should never be taken in a senseless act of terrorism by a bunch of un-educated and un-caring rich terrorist. And I want to say as the voice of Freedom and Democracy I Ali condemn all of those terrorist and all of their followers and everything they stand for. And again my condolences to all the families and all the people of the United States of America. God Bless and I hope we will never see a day like 9/11.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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August, 2008

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

This month I want to emphasize and repeat how we at Ali’s men and women started our website over two years ago. And the message still is we the people in  iran and the Middle East must once and for all come out of the shadows of the terror in the Iran and the Middel East say yes to peace to democracy. We the people in the Iran must never allow any of us to get killed or brutalized with the hands of a few killers in our World. The Palestine people must recognize that they are all brothers and sisters no matter what fashion they belong to they must never be any execution of any one on the hand of another one because they do not believe in your way of life. To the Palestine people you must find the way to once and for all create your state and your country with the help and the movement of the power of the vote, vote for freedom, democracy and most of all vote for your future and stop the killings and start rebuilding the country of Palestine with the help of the other world countries. Peace is in our hands and the future is bright.

To the governments of the world. As we have seen in July that the Iranian government with the test of their new missiles and show of aggression have no attention to take any kind of peaceful solution to stop producing nuclear weapons. We the people at Ali’s men and women have chosen 9/12 as the day the whole World will come together as one and make peace with all the people in the Middle East the key, the key, the key, is Iran, Iran, Iran and the people must once and for all join the true voice of democracy and Ali’s men and women for peace and carry the Democracy flag and the power of the vote through Iran and the Middle East and once and for all say to the minority killers and that we the people have rights and our coming out of the shadows of fear and terror and take back our countries from the minority rulers and killers. So there shall never be another person be killed or blown up and there bodies and minds be sold for as little as some tea and sugar if they kill and cause mayhem in the streets. We the people have the date and we will soon have the year which we will put together the biggest rally that the World has ever seen with our voices, hearts and minds. We our proud and we are ready to take the next steps. God Bless and see you soon Ali.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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July 4, 2008

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

With every great country comes a great event that happens in the history. With the greatest country in the world, American, that event happened on July 4th 1776. On that day America declared its independence. And that was the greatest moment in American history. Freedom, Freedom for all freedom that came with the new constitution that to this day the people of America live by.

We the people of Iran have the same desires and the same destiny as the people of the American Revolution had in 1776. We want freedom, a new constitution, free elections to form a new government and once and for all declare our independence from the kingdom of the Mullahs and to tell the world, we the people are all united and stand with the world in democracy and unity and we are not your enemies and we are not terrorist.

To the Iranian government you do not represent us, the majority. We do not want your empty threats and you’re bulling of our neighbors. With your threats of starting Wars and segregating and stopping the world oil flow threw the seas, its just not what we the people stand for.

To the people of Iran this is from Ali, the voice of the democracy movement. We the people have rights and we must send a clear message to the kingdom of Mullahs and let them know that their time of ruling is ending because with the next election that is coming we the people with the power of the vote, and our voices raised to the skies with the democracy flags in our hands will elected a new president and a new government and once and for all make our independence come alive.

To the Jewish government of Israel, War with Iran is not the answer because these Mullahs have no value for life and they do not care how many innocent people they sacrifices to achieve a minor victory. In order to have peace in the Middle East you must do exactly what your doing, making peace with all your neighbors. And I Ali challenge all of the Israel’s and all the Jewish people in the world to join the cause and let us forever make peace between the Jewish state of Israel and the world. And let us all declare our independence and truly fallow the history that is awaiting all of us. We must build our golden temples, we must build our cities and we must truly show the world that a Jewish state can live in middle east democracy and have peace in our life time. So never again, the blood of a middle east child or a Jewish child be spilled because of religion.

To the people that our betting on the stock market and the oil prices that there will we a war in the Middle East that will stop the flow of oil to the people that our trying to corner the free world and its markets by putting their money in oil stocks just like they did with bad home loans. I have a surprise for you, not only you will not get rich you will lose all your money because oil is a gift from the Heavens and it’s in the ground for the people of the world. And it’s not going to run out for the next 500 years and by raising the prices of oil everyday and by spreading false rumors, you are doing nothing but hurting the innocent people of the world who go to work and come home to be able to feed and their family and children. It is not for the stock market to decide the fate of many to the people that our trying to get rich off another quick scam, what will you do in the next 6 months when the price of oil goes down to the lowest prices that you have ever seen. take that to the bank.

Remember, we can do this together, one vote at a time, one country at a time and one person at a time.

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June 9, 2008

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

Another year has passed by and another great month is here. June is a great month. In June there is a great day. That day is Father’s Day and I wish to send a warm congratulations and Happy Father’s Day to all the great fathers of the world. I would like to say it is time to reach out and touch the world and see the world for what it is, and what it stands for. It is a great world. It is a world full of joy, happiness, an sorrow. It is time for all the fathers of the world to come out of hiding and out of the shadows, and join Ali and Ali’s Men and Women of Peace, and send a clear and positive message to the world that we the fathers are all united and stand as one regardless of our religion, our shapes, colors, or beliefs. We all want a peaceful world for our children and their children. The key to achieving this miracle is Iran, Iran, Iran. I would like to say to all the Iranian fathers that we the fathers have a journey in life to accomplish what we have been saved for on this earth. That is freedom, freedom, freedom for all our children, ourselves, and our families.

And I would also like to send our warmest congratulations to a man who made history, Senator Barack Obama. Congratulations on your journey to become the first African American President of the United States of American. I would also like to say congratulations to Senator Hillary Clinton for a job well done. To a woman with guts, and vision to see the future, and to see where America is headed with equal rights for all the women, not only in America but all over the world. I would also like to say to Senator Obama, that the most logical choice and the dream ticket is to select Senator Hillary Clinton as your Vice President and running mate, and may you both accomplish your lifelong dreams. God bless all of us and Happy Father’s Day to all.

Remember, we can do this together, one vote at a time, one country at a time and one person at a time.

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May 9, 2008

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

Happy Mother’s Day

Ashes to ashes light to light

Mother I see your heavenly face in the lights

Mother the greatest women in the world

Mother the greatest teacher in the world

Mother the one that gave me life

Mother the one that loves me no matter what

Mother the shining star of my life

Mother the one that watched me grow up

Mother Mother the one and only Mother

May is a great month. Every year the mother’s of the world are recognized. One day I Ali would like to see all the world leaders and all the world people see and recognize that all women are created equal and all the men are created equal and may we all see that day together soon. God Bless and Happy Mother’s Day to all the women in the world.

Remember, we can do this together, one vote at a time, one country at a time and one person at a time.

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March 10, 2008

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

“Iranians for Democracy”

March 2008, it’s a great month and on the first day of spring it’s the Persian new year also known as Norooz. I Ali want to take this time to wish all of my Iranian brothers, sisters, all of my family and all of Ali’s men and women for peace in Iran, U.S. and all over the world a happy new year and a Happy Norooz to all.

We the people must not ever forget our people in Iran and all over the World. We in the U.S. and the World can celebrate new years in open, but our families in Iran can only celebrate new years in the shadows of fear because we the people of Iran made one of the biggest mistakes of the 20th century over 29 years ago by voting in the kingdom of the mullahs the so called Iranian revolution. Now that we have suffered for over 3 decades it is time for a change a fresh start. It is time once and for all to rise up with the power of the Democracy and our votes and take back our beautiful country Iran and truly give our people freedom and human rights without empty promises. It is time to come alive and let the Iranian government know that we the people have a voice of a champion and freedom and a democracy his name is Ali and we want a new life and a new direction. We the people want to live in peace with the world. We are not terrorist, we are not killers, we do not want nuclear bombs, we do not want to build any missiles to kill any human being in the world and we the people with the power of the vote will remove the kingdom of the mullahs and take back our country Iran. The key the key is Iran, Iran, Iran!

This is a challenge to all the Iranian singers and entertainers do you remember how you felt the day the music died in our homeland of Iran? And how you had to flee the Country in the shadow of the darkness of be hung with the hands of these bar barrack henchmen. This challenge is to you. Starting with Andy, Arash, Dariush, Ebi Googoosh, Habie, Kamran, Omaid, Shadmhr this is just a few of the great Iranian entertainers that I am challenging to come join the Democracy movement and put together one of the biggest free Iran concerts in U.S. and all over the world so we can send a clear message to all of our brothers and sisters that our sprits our alive our hearts and mines and bodies are one and we have joined a cause of true democracy and we our coming to save you with the power of our voices and our votes.

To the great Iranian Press, Radio and T.V. the first one goes to Persian voice of America. I want to know why you have not reported any of my writing and done any interviews or send any of the messages of hope and democracy to anyone in Iran or in the U.S. and say that you have herd of a man called Ali he does not want to be a hero he just wants to be a messenger of hope and peace for all the people of Iran. That’s for you. I want to know why?

To the great Radio station called Radio Javana. Why have you not joined the Democracy movement with Ali and his men and women for peace. What kind of freedom of the press are you doing. Do we need to send you some help. Do we need to turn to the Today shows anchor Matt Lauer and ask him to show you the way he went to Iran and interviewed our people. I Ali the voice of democracy is still waiting to hear from you.

Every movement has a voice, Every voice has a story, Every sacrifice has a story, Every face has a story. This is our story of a voice and the Iranian people with a rich heritage and a back round that goes back thousands of years as our ancestors and all of our relatives have always stood up for all of the Iranian people the weak and the strong men, women and children. We the Iranian people must do the same for all of the Iranians.

If you have read this and want to join Ali please send me your e-mails   [email protected] I will send you a free Democracy flag and a shirt and with that I will also send you the date that we have picked so far our day of Demonstration which is 9/12 which the world woke up and saw a new world order has begun. God Bless all of you and I will see you soon together with the Democracy flag we can accomplish anything we wish. www.iraniansfordemocracy.com

Remember, we can do this together, one vote at a time, one country at a time and one person at a time.

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January 21, 2008

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

It has been a few months since my last update. The reason was, I had been waiting to see how the Democratic process in Pakistan and the new election was going to go with the return of the first true leader of democracy; her name is Benazir Bhutto, the former Prime Mister of Pakistan.

Upon her return to Pakistan from exile, a terrorist tried to assassinate her on her first day of return to her home land. Over 20 years ago I saw a shining star, Benazir Bhutto, the first Muslim women Prime Minister to be elected to Pakistan and the democracy movement in her country. Once she returned to Pakistan and I saw the first events of her assassination attempt, I knew deep in my heart that we the people in the World would be in for a huge movement. It is with deepest regrets that Benazir Bhutto was assassinated; not only the people of Pakistan, but the people in the whole Muslim World lost a true tiger of the democracy movement. I wish to send our condolences from Ali and Ali’s women for peace, from all over the world, to her family and the people of Pakistan.

Like many people before her, she knew what her and her family had sacrificed to get where they are at today. These are her famous words upon her return to her homeland of Pakistan: “I am what the terrorist fear the most and I want to say that it is us, we the people, that the terrorist fear the most,” and I could tell you by her visions that she had seen the way for freedom and democracy, and she knew that with every movement there are sacrifices that we have no control over.

I want to say that the free elections of Pakistan must go forward with the people of Pakistan, and remember the one thing that the terrorist fear the most is the power of the vote of the people of the people. I can tell you with the Muslim for Democracy Flag in our hands, that our voices that will carry throughout the MIddle East and with the power of the vote we shall have democracy. We shall have peace. And we will not surrender to any dictatorships or terrorists. We will not sell our souls, our bodies, and our country for blood money. These are the keys that we must follow today, so the memory of a true tiger of democracy, Benazir, a mother that sacrificed her life for her country, and for a brighter future for her family and fellow country people. And to the people of Pakistan, vote freely, without anxiety, without prosecution. Vote with your heart and your mind and follow the footsteps of your brothers and sisters in Iraq. Once you have voted, place your finger in the jar of ink and raise your finger to show the world that you are united and you are free.

There was another famous man, may God rest his soul, that I had a dream. His name was non-other than Dr. Martin Luther King. His famous words, just like Benazir Bhutto, were that “I have seen the promise land, and I may not get there with you, but someday, regardless of color or religion, our children will be free.”

As usual the key, the key, the key, to peace and stability in the Middle East comes from nowhere but Iran, Iran, Iran. It is time for the Iranian people to step out of the shadow of fear and prosecution. With the power of the young and the vote of the people, we will put our country back to the path of respectability, democratic movement, and freedom for all Iranians. We must not allow the kingdom of Mullahs to survive and keep executing and harassing and allowing us to be a terrorist nation. I want to say to all the Iranian people that I, Ali, your voice for democracy and rich family heritage, have seen the future. I have seen what we the people can do with the power of our vote. There is no price that you can put on freedom; there is no price that you could put on respectability; and there is no price you could put on human sacrifices. I want you to know that I, Ali, will be there with you and beside you when we raise the Flag of Democracy all over our country. We will let our actions and voices set the example for the next 500 years to come. And as I have been saying, I wish to make the “day after”, the day of movement. The “day after” is non-other than 9/12. If all of the people of the world would like to join the cause of freedom with us, please send your emails to [email protected] with all your info and we will send you a free Democracy Flag and tee-shirt at no cost so you will be prepared to join the cause with us.

To Mr. Muhammad Ali, my great man and a brother, thank you for your kind reply and your words, and thank you for letting me know that you are joining the cause with me because struggles are part of life and you have recognized just like Ali, that this is a fight between the good in the in midell east  and the minority bad people of the world.

Together we will march on 9/12, hand and hand with our shirts and our democracy flags in our hand and we will send the message of peace, happiness, and health to all because it is time once more to “float like a butterfly and sting   like a bee and say no more terror, no more killing and no more sacrificing of our people”. Thank you my brother and God Bless you.

If you have read and you would like to join the cause please send the message all over the world and say that you have heard of a man called Ali. He does not want to be a hero, just a man with a message of peace and hope for all.

Remember, we can do this together, one vote at a time, one country at a time and one person at a time.

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October 8, 2007

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

This month my message is for all the Iranian women both inside and out of the country; and all the women in the  world. This is a message from the voices of the past, voices of now, and the voices of the future.

First message is from the great profit Muhammad’s wife Kadja, if she was here today, God rest her soul, she would tell the Iranian Government and the Mullahs “NO -you have no power to pass a law that will allow the Iranian men to take a second wife. We are equal partners and want equal rights as a wife.” As a merchant she set this example of equal rights for all the women a long time ago.

Next message is from my grandmother, voices from the past, Fakhree Adel Khalatbari. If she was alive today she would have been the first person to take up the democracy flag and march in the streets of Iran and say to all the Iranian men ‘We are your equal and we forbid you to commit adultery, and to take a second wife on us.” As a newspaper editor and writer, and a women who spoke 6 different languages. She was a teacher and a mother and she would strike down this law with the power of her pen. She would tell the Mullahs that “We the women all over Iran want equal rights.

The voices of now come from my auntie Simin a great Iranian poet with 1 daughter and 2 grand daughters. She is a strong voice of freedom and democracy, and she is condemning this new act of aggression against the Iranian women and the women of the Middle east . As a poet and author of over 600 books, she is a teacher and a mother, who condemns this new act by the Iranian Government and the kingdom of Mullahs.

If my mother Tehraneh, God rest her soul, was alive today, I, Ali, as her son and a father, and a man condemn this new act of aggression and would not under any circumstances allow my dad to do this to my mother or anyone in Iran because our women are our teachers, a gift form Allah, the mighty God, our higher power in Heaven, and women must have equal rights. Our women are the guardians of our world not only in Iran but all over the world because life starts with mothers. My mother would have been one of the strongest women against this law of taking second wife and she would have carried the democracy flag and lead demonstrations against this law. She would have said “We are your partners not your objects of adultery. We are your wives, mother of your children.” She would have stood up for all her sisters in Iran and all over the world with a strong poem, strong writing and would have sent a strong message to the Iranian Government and the kingdom of Mullahs. Enough is enough ! None of these suppressed laws for the Mullahs. It is time to send them back where they came from and that time is coming soon.

This week I watched Mr. Matt Lauer of the Today Show in Iran, my homeland. I really enjoyed the segment you did. You should have called me to give you the names and phone numbers of some people that want freedom. My aunt would have been glad to be your guest as a representative of all Iranian women. Now it is time for you to join the cause: Iranian’s for Democracy.com.

Thanks to the ABC 60 Minutes show, who only want to interview Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, why have you not interviewed the simple people of Iran, like Ali or Ali’s men and women for peace. I listened this week to the speech of the Iranian President. All I heard was how kind the Iranian Government is and how they want peace and how they want nuclear energy for power not for bombs. Well, I say to that, the world must read between the lines, especially the part about the profits Muhammad and Jesus, and what the world was waiting for. Mahmoud and the Mullahs think they are the chosen few to save the world and with the end of his speech it sounded like that is what they got the nuclear bomb for. It will be used and they are thinking that the 12 profits and Jesus will come back to Earth and that Jesus will save them and they will be rewarded with eternal life. Well, I don’t think the world is ready to see a renegade government with a nuclear bomb and I don’t think we the people of Iran are ready to give our lives to this government one more time. We have learned our lessons with the ten year war with our Iraqi brothers. These people have no compassion or care for human lives. We must send the message, we will not vote you in and we will not let you abuse us anymore, in the name of Islam. I want to say, what can the Iranian Government do to us that they have not already done; this barbaric government that stones its own people. Well let us ask something from this government, and this comes from my brother Jesus Christ: “Let the first ‘Iranian’ without sin, cast the first stone.”

If you have read this and you want to join the cause, send this message all over Iran and the world, and tell them that you have heard of a man called Ali. He does not want to be a hero. All he has is a message of hope and peace, of equal rights for all. Thank you and God Bless

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time

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September 11, 2007

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

This week it is the 6-year anniversary of the worst terrorism act in the world, and it happened in the U.S.A. The day of awaking, the day the world learned and woke up to the real threat that has been going on in the Muslim world for over 20 years; that day is called 9/11. And I want to send our condolences form Ali’s men and women for peace to all the heroes that gave their lives to a senseless act of terror. That was the day that no one knew was coming but we had seen the warning signs for over 20 years. It is time to make 9/11 a day of remembrance for all the heroes who lost their lives. Let us make 9/11 a day that we will celebrate the spiritual awaking of the world. Let us make the day after 9/11 a day that the world came together as one and said no more terrorism and no more killing in the mane of religion. No more killing because of faith and beliefs and most of all let us make 9/12 a day of the democracy movement in the Iranian world. A day to send a message that you can not kill our spirits. You can not stop us from wanting our independence or keep us from our dreams and goals. As I said, “Our democracy and freedom will be different than the west, meaning our philosophy and cultures are different. Nevertheless it will be a time that all our people in the Iranian world will be proud of and all our people will finally get to know the true meaning of freedom again”. Freedom of speech, the freedom of education, freedom of equal rights for women, so they will not have to be covered from head to toe just to walk in public because of their upbringing and culture. It is not about hiding their beauty that God has given them. and that brings me to some of the keys of fixing this problem. Does any one know that terrorism is not about Islam or religion? It is only about some power hungry rich people who are using religion as a tool to spread fear and terror.

This is a challenge to all Iranians, all over the world !!

The key, the key, the key… The key is simple. It is the oldest country in the world, it is over 2,500 years old. It has been the symbol of how and where all things started from. It is Iran, the key to peace in the Middle East and the world. It is time to let the Iranian people know, the time of freedom is here. It is time for the Iranian people to exercise their voting rights and tell the 10% minority aggressors that we no longer want their brand of Islamic state. We no longer want the kingdom of Mullahs. We voted you in and we will vote you out. We simply want to be know as Iran. The Iranian people need to understand that the Iranian military belongs to the country and the people. The key to peace in the Middle East has always been Iran. We the people have news for the Iranian government, your time is coming, your revolution is over, and it has been over for many years since your leader Ayatollah Khomeini died. It was he who brought out all the hatred from the east to the west, and all over the world because all he wanted was revenge. He did not care about anyone’s life. How could the people of the most peace loving nation, Iran, allow this hatred to continue. Have we the people forgotten when the Iranian revolution came to power, and how the so-called religious leaders allowed their guards to pick-up and arrest our young female educators from the streets. The guards accused them of plotting against Islam in a Kangaroo court and condemned them to be hung the next morning. But before they hung the young women, they raped them in the name of religion and said to their families; they would not have been allowed to go to heaven because they were virgins. I want to know where are the voices of all the Father’s, Mother’s, Brother’s and Sister’s today. Where are they now and why are you hiding? It is time for a change, it is time for Ali’s men and women for peace, the movement of change and peace in the Middle East. It is time for all Muslim peace loving nations to make peace and recognize the state of Israel. The world belongs to all the human beings and not just a few. It is time for the violence in Iraq to stop. It is time to look at the person you are killing and say I am sorry and I will not kill you my Brother, Sister, and Children; and say that I will not be a suicide bomber, I will not sell my soul and my heritage to the devil. Our people, our country, our heritage how could we the people of the Middle East, the richest countries in the world, not want to rebuild, have peace and live with the laws of the world. It is time to bring the Muslim world into the 20th century with new rules and new things for all of our young and old. It is time to learn from the history of the past and never allow this to happen again. How could a man go to pray to God or higher power and listen to the Mullahs to teach them to kill and destroy life. Life is a gift from God and we must teach our people to love life. We must tell our young people not to listen to the bad Mullahs because they get blood money and they do not worship God but worship the devil. So with that the key is Iran, Iran, Iran.

I want to send out a challenge to join the cause to the most recognizable Iranians in the world and a brother. It is time to join Ali and be the voice of freedom one more time. Ali and his men and women for peace need your voice. The man is no other than the greatest heavy weight boxer in the world Mr. Muhammad Ali. It is time to lend us your voice and say one more time, “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”. With your voice we can stop wars and hatred. It is time for Ali and Ali to join together and send out the message that the Muslim people are kind and we want to live in peace and we want the golden age of mankind to start with us, to begin 500 years of peace.

To my friend Mr. Jim Vance, as a father and a news anchor for NBC Channel 4 news in D.C. I have a question for you. What will you say to your children when they bring back the army draft and they will ask you this question. “Dad did you really know Ali for over 15 years and you never helped him and lent your voice to peace and for a good cause?”

A challenge to Mr. Don Geronimo, my DJ friend on WJFK 106.7. Over 20 years ago you gave me the opportunity to be on your show for a few minutes. The question is, What will you say to your son when he asks you, Dad you had the power and the opportunity and fame to save lives, bring our troops home and be a voice with Ali. Why did you not help him, why did you hide? Don what will you say to him 10 years from now when he is fighting the war? We must stop these wars in our lifetime, and not our children’s. The time is now? Don’t just be a voice my friend.

I also want to challenge the famous singer Mr. John Mayer, If you want to change the world and bring our brothers and sisters home from war, just one question, “Why have you not joined the cause with Ali?” I do not want your money just your voice and maybe someday there will be “population for all the young to rule”. John, join me just for a day and be a voice for freedom.

If you have read this and want to be a voice with Ali send this message all over the world that you have heard of a man called Ali. He does not want to be a hero just a man with a message of hope, peace, and happiness.

Thank you and God Bless.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

Be a sponsor – join the cause!

August 11, 2007

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

Hello. My name is Ali. Can you guess who I am? I am your brother. You are my sister. You have asked for a miracle in your thoughts, in your prayers, and in your dreams. When, oh when, are we going to have a voice of democracy and freedom in Iran and when, oh when, are we going to have peace and harmony throughout our Country Iran?

Why are we called Iranians for Democracy? Because we are all born in a Iran   and it is our heritage and in any country there is good and bad! We are the good and it is time to bring the Iran Persia back  up to the 20th century laws!

This week I’m am going to give you another hint of who we are and who I am. I am Ali. The nephew of one of the most famous Iranian poets in the history of Iran. As she stands day by day and night by night and prays for things to change soon for the people of Iran. She is my aunt, her name is Simin. Let the Iranian people know that there is are voices with them.

The Message of Hope

Life has changed all over the world for all Iranians.

To my brothers and sisters in Iran and all over the World: we will recreate the Government of Iran and we will separate the Kingdom of Mullahs from the Country. We will have our own Spiritual awaking very soon. Have we forgotten the Democratic Solidarity movement in Poland, by a little known electrician, a man from Popowo, Poland by the name of Lech Walesa, who led the way for democracy in Poland by helping rebel against communism in his country? This is our mission, a chance to learn that one man and one voice stood up to Communism and with the help of the people, freed Poland. Now we the people of Iran have the same opportunity to rise up with the power of the vote to elect our own candidates and our own voices and separate the Kingdom of the Mullahs and the Government of the people, for the people, by the power of the Vote in Iran. Because today we have a strong voice, a voice of a man called Ali, with the rich heritage and family that we all know and respect. Here is an example: My Grandfather named Adel Khalatbari, was a man who helped all Iran’s rich or poor, regardless of shape and age. He always had an open door and he always shared his fortune with the people of Iran. He was a newspaper man, a Poet, a Philosopher and savior. He always stood for the separation of the Church and the Government and Freedom Rights for all the people of Iran. I, Ali, the grandson of a great man, Adel Khalatbari, am from the same tree branch. I stand for the same things that my grandfather stood for over 50 years ago.

I also want to say it is time for Ali’s Men and Women for Peace and Democracy. It is time to send Iranians for Democracy your contributions and give peace a chance. We will see a difference. Buy a shirt, or buy a flag. This is for a good cause. Iranians for Democracy is non-profit and your money will help spread peace and save lives. If you want to donate a anything you like or your time, that’s ok too.

Thank you and we will see you soon, your brother Ali.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

Be a sponsor – join the cause!

July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July Independence Day to all the people of the United States of America. I wish to see the same independence for all my brothers and sisters in Iran  and the Middle East and the World!

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

Does anyone care that this is not about Islam or Religion? Does anyone care that we the people did this to ourselves and this War is not just a problem for America, it is a big problem for the Middle East and the World? Do we not see what has happened and what is happening to the World? Do we not want peace? Do we not care that all we see is War, War, and War, on every TV station in the World? Do we not want to stop this War? Do we not care that this is our War and we must stop this in our lifetime, not our children’s lifetime. The War must stop with us, not with our children. Have we forgotten the first days of the War and we thought it was finished and we were heroes? Have we forgotten that we underestimated the enemy? Have we the people forgotten 911? And now we want to run away from this War. Well running away is not the answer! We must support President Bush. All he ever wanted was to save us from terrorism. It is not his fault. He was given bad intelligence information by his advisors. Saving Democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan is a must. And supporting our children, and the soldiers on the battle field, is a must. As a man that has had my brother Abbass, serve in U.S. Air Force and my cousin, Rezia, a former U.S. Marine, all I can say is that we must support our Troops and have them come home as heroes when the true job is done! They have sacrificed too much to leave without finishing the job.

To a great mother and all military mothers Ms. Cindy Sheehan, you cannot stop what you have started, you are right that we have become a society that cares more about American Idol then saving lives. That is also one of my sayings! I want you to know on this 4th of July that your son and all the sons and daughters, of all mothers and fathers of those who have given their lives as a hero because they believed in freedom and democracy. Now it is time for you and all the mothers and fathers in the world to join Ali for Democracy and Peace journey? It is time for all the mothers and fathers who have given so much of their lives to join Ali, the voice of Democracy and Freedom and embark on a Diplomatic Mission for peace!

Have we the people forgotten my brothers and sisters in Iraq and Afghanistan; how they felt when they were voting for Freedom and Democracy and holding up their finger in purple ink for the World to see and how proud they were of that day? That is how I came up with the design of the first Democracy and Freedom flag for Iran and the Middle East and the  World. That was a proud moment for me. Now that the democracy process has slowed, we want to leave, yet we cannot. We must send a clear message from the people of Iraq to Al-Qaeda and their followers: Iraq belongs to the people of Iraq. Afghanistan belongs to the people of Afghanistan. The Iraqi flag represent Sunni, Shiite, and Kurds. It is time to send a message that we are united and this is our Country. We want all the Al-Qaeda Foreign Fighters to leave our home land and go back where they come from because our Country is not for sale. We do not want your rice, tea, sugar, and most off all we do not want your blood money. Our lives are not for sale. Our souls are not for sale and our bodies are not for sale. Our culture is not for sale, our future is not for sale and when we catch all of you we will have you arrested, and will prosecute you to the countries fullest democratic laws.

I also want to say it is time for Ali’s Men and Women for Peace and Diplomacy. It is time to sendIranians for Democracy your contributions and give peace a chance. We will see a difference. Buy a shirt, or buy a flag. This is for a good cause. Muslims for Democracy is a non-profit and you money will help spread peace and save lives. If you want to donate a $ 1.00 or your time, that’s ok too. If we the people can donate over $125,000,000 to our Presidential candidates, I think that we can send $1 from each family in U.S. and around the World to support a good cause, to save lives, and to send a message all over Iran and the Middle East and the  World. With your contributions will buy food and medicine, and give HOPE and PEACE and DEMOCRACY a chance. After all the people of the Middle East are looking for a miracle and a voice of Democracy; a person who looks like them and speaks the truth to the people, for the people, with an open mind and an open heart.

To my brothers and sisters in Iran and all over the World: we will recreate the Government of Iran and we will separate the Kingdom of Mullahs from the Country. We will have our own Spiritual awaking very soon. Have we forgotten the Democratic Solidarity movement in Poland, by a little known electrician, a man from Popowo, Poland by the name of Lech Walesa, who led the way for democracy in Poland by helping rebel against communism in his country? This is our mission, a chance to learn that one man and one voice stood up to Communism and with the help of the people, freed Poland. Now we the people of Iran(Persia) have the same opportunity to rise up with the power of the vote to elect our own candidates and our own voices and separate the Kingdom of the Mullahs and the Government of the people, for the people, by the power of the Vote in Iran. Because today we have a strong voice, a voice of a man called Ali, with the rich heritage and family that we all know and respect. Here is an example: My Grandfather named Adel Khalatbari, was a man who helped all Iran’s rich or poor, regardless of shape and age. He always had an open door and he always shared his fortune with the people of Iran. He was a newspaper man, a Poet, a Philosopher and savior. He always stood for the separation of the Church and the Government and Freedom Rights for all the people of Iran. I, Ali, the grandson of a great man, Adel Khalatbari, am from the same tree branch. I stand for the same things that my grandfather stood for over 50 years ago.

Thank you and we will see you soon, your brother Ali.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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June 15, 2007

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

Well, this is another year another day has come. It’s a great day it is a day to celebrate all the fathers of the world. It is Father’s Day.  It is the day to say and ask my father are you happy? My father did you know you’re my hero? My father did you know that everyday that goes by I look at you for leadership, hope, happiness, and spiritual awakening in my life? To share your experience with me tell me how to choose right from wrong how to listen and learn how to become the man or women how to be come a husband or wife how to know when to give love and how to receive love. This is for all the fathers of the world it is our time to give love and to save lives and become the man that our higher power our Heavenly father expects us to be. Be a leader not a follower.

To all the Fathers in the World if you care, these are some things we can do starting tonight. Hug your child, wife, and your family and say I care. Let us send this message all over the World; write to all the TV, Radio and Government Representatives all over the World. Tell them you have heard of a man called Ali. He does not want to be a hero but a messenger with a message of Peace, Hope, and Spiritual awakenings. Let us help Ali. Write and send me your e-mails. I need volunteers, I need help, I need your thoughts, your Ideas, and I need your Prayers, but most of all I need you to make a difference. Happy Father’s Day and God Bless to all.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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May 9, 2007

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

This is a time of giving and receiving in the World. It is a time to recognize all the great Mothers that give their hearts, love and soul in daily life to their husbands and Children. It is time for equal rights for all the women in the World.

Poem for Mother:
By: Ali

Mother Dear Mother Dear

My Mother my Angel

My Mother my life

My Mother my love

My Mother my teacher

My Mother my guardian

My Mother gift from God

My Mother the queen of my life

My Mother the savior of my life

My Mother the treasure of my life

My Mother the women of Peace

My Mother the light of life

My Mother my soul of my life

My Mother the greatest women in the World

This is a poem to all the Mothers in the World especially in the Middle East. It is time for all the Mothers to send a strong message, that we want equal rights and we are your partners in live and we are the saviors of life in the World after all without Mothers there is no World. And if you love your Mother then you must love your wife the same way, with love and respect. Happy Mother’s Day and God Bless from Ali.

To all the Mothers in the World if you care, these are some things we can do starting tonight. Hug your child, husband, and your family and say I care. Let us send this message all over the World; write to all the TV, Radio and Government Representatives all over the World. Tell them you have heard of a man called Ali. He does not want to be a hero but a messenger with a message of Peace, Hope, and Spiritual awakenings. Let us help Ali. Write and send me your e-mails. I need volunteers, I need help, I need your thoughts, your Ideas, and I need your Prayers, but most of all I need you to make a difference. Thank you very much and God Bless.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

Be a sponsor – join the cause!

April 20, 2007

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

Today, we at Iranians for  Democracy share in the pain and sorrow of all the mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, family members, friends and all the college students at the University of Virginia Tech who have lost loved ones. Since Monday, April 16, 2007, we want to say your pain is our pain; your sorrow is our sorrow. May this be the last pain for you as long as you live and may you always remember your loved ones in your heart, mind, and in your prayers. May you always see their faces in the stars and in the Heavenly skies. Our deepest sympathy’s and condolences, from all of us at Muslims 4 Democracy, to all who have lost a loved one and may God bless you all.

Poem for the Loved Ones
By Ali

Life is the time we share with mom and dad

Life is precious

Life is short

Life is a blessing

Life is great

Life is the time on this Earth

Life is the days and months we have

Life is the hours and the moments we share

Life is the memories we leave behind

Life is the time we share

Life is the good times we share

Life is a gift from God

Life did not finish on Monday for our loved ones, life just started with a new journey of after-life and a new adventure in the Heavens for all the loved ones we’ve lost.

God Bless you all and we will see you in the Heavens the Kingdom of God. Thank you and God Bless – Ali

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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