Norooz 2009

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

This month I Ali want to send a happy Norooz to all the Iranian people all over the world and say with the joy of the New Year comes many challenges and many obstacles. We must never forget where we come from, what we stand for and what our freedom and heritage means to us the people of Iran. As we have seen over the past 30 years we have dealt with many fears and many obstacles in our lives and it is now time to realize that we the people have a voice and are truly survivors of our time. As we have grown and seen the POWER of the future and what we the people can do together with one VOICE one VOTE we the people can make the difference, we must all become a chain and realize that it is our time, our destiny and our future and the future of our children and our grandchildren and the next generations at stake here. Throughout the few years I have been giving you bits and pieces of our democracy and how it has been coming alive, and I have been giving you the date of 9/12 and now I am going to give you the year which we the people will come alive with one voice, one destiny and we will take back our beautiful country of Iran with the power of our votes.  That day is 9/12/2010. With that I want to send all my blessings from Ali’s men and Ali’s women, to all my brothers and sisters in Iran and all over the world, happy Norooz and be happy and know that we the people of IRAN have a voice and we will be heard.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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Inauguration, 2009

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

This month was one of the greatest months in world history and in the United States of America, we the people of the world saw first hand how democracy and freedom works.

The world witnessed on January 20, 2009 at 12:00pm in Washington D.C. the swearing in of the first African American president in United States history.

I Ali and Ali’s men and women for peace, would like to send our warmest congratulations to Mr. President Barack Hussein Obama.

President Obama

President Obama

I Ali was very impressed with the demeanor and the warm speech of the inauguration that came with a great message to all of the people in USA and the world and specially to my people in the Muslim world. And I would like to say to Mr. President Obama at this time, I Ali would like to extend a warm hand shake to you from Ali and say that we are ready and our democracy is ready to come to life and we know that now we have a president in the white house that will support us with our cause.

Thank you very much, congratulations and God Bless.

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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January, 2009

This is a message from Ali, the voice of democracy, the man from Iran, the Middle East, and the United States of America (USA).

Today I want to send a message to all of the Iranians all over the world.

DariushI want to send a special message to our great entertainer and singer Dariush. As an entertainer, you are one of our leaders in the Iranian community. As your concert nears in Bethesda MD, I ALI want to give you a special assignment. I name you our good will embassador of entertainment. It is time for you as a good will embassador to help Ali and the Iranian community to put on the biggest concert of all time in the U.S. and all over the world and get together all the entertainers and have them lend Iranian for democracy an open hand to raise money to fight the kingdom of Mulas and once and for all bring our votes and democracy alive in Iran.

My brother Dariush, I want you to ask yourself and all the entertainers of Iran this one question. How did you all feel when the music died in Iran.

My brother Dariush, I want to ask how did you feel the day you discovered that the kingdom of Mulas were coming to hang you because you were an entertainer.

It is time for all of our people in Iran and all over the world to come together as one and support Iranians for democracy. Please write to me and send me your emails and I will provide a free tee-shirt and flag to all of my brothers and sisters families all over the world. This is our time, this is our world and the history books are calling.

We our born free. We will live free. We will die free., PO box 90, Ashton, MD 20861

Remember, we can do this together, one person at a time, one vote at a time, one country at a time.

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